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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman lies, worn out with pain, beneath a huge heart stabbed by three powerful swords. The points of entrance are a brighter red, signifying the newness and rawness of this wound.

The Three of swords is one of the dreaded cards in a tarot deck. Life does sometimes bring us these moments and this card signifies that. It represents a new raw pain. It can be a major situation, such as finding your lover unfaithful; or a smaller one, such as cutting and hurtful words from a trusted friend. Swords represent truth and this is a case of the truth hurting very much indeed.

If reversed, this card can represent pain based on a misunderstanding or malicious gossip. It warns you to make sure you know the full truth of a matter, as the matter may not be what it seems and someone may be trying to hurt you cruelly and needlessly

Use your intuition

  • The woman lies on a blue blanket. How does this affect the meaning of the card?
  • Although the heart is pierced, no blood drips from it. Why not?

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